Vak 1.0.0a1 released!

Hi all, just letting you know that we have released the first alpha version of vak version 1.0!

We have switched to Lightning as a backend, and we are adding new models and datasets.

You can test out the alpha by pip install vak==1.0.0a1. I will try to keep versions on conda-forge but might not be as good about that as we would be about full releases. I’ll reply back on this topic as we release newer alpha versions too.

TweetyNet is now built in and should work out of the box. If you get a chance to try it please do let us know what you think @koparkanya @therese.koch @kaiyaprovost @mizuki @Itamar.F @YMK123 @ar4307 @njourjine @nhoglen

Please feel free to provide general feedback on this topic by replying below.

You can also see more detail on this GitHub meta issue / to-do list: DEV: Version 1.0 to-do list · Issue #614 · vocalpy/vak · GitHub. If you have specific feedback on those details or requests for features, etc., then please feel free to reply on that issue as well.

Thank you! And huge thanks to @yardenc for making this possible