Paper on gerbil dialects that uses VocalPy now out in eLife

Hi all,

Just wanted to share this paper from @ralphpeterson that is now published in eLife:

The journal has a nice explainer post here:

As part of the analysis, they extract acoustic features using VocalPy.
Check out Figure 3, supplement 2:

Acoustic features for GMM clusters.
Acoustic features computed on the top 100 most probable vocalizations from each GMM cluster. Mean values ± standard deviation shown. Details on acoustic feature calculation are described in the Methods section.

These features are computed with voc.feature.sat

We are mainly helping with a control experiment here, but I’ll take it! :laughing:

Huge thanks to @ralphpeterson for your contributions and feedback on vocalpy.feature.sat, and for giving us a shout out and citation in the methods :pray: :bowing_man:

Thanks for the shoutout David, and thank you for VocalPy!!

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