About the "Q&A" category

Q&A: Questions and Answers

This is a category to ask questions about, get help with, and discuss vocalpy and affiliated packages.

You can start a new Q&A topic even if you don’t need help!

Please also use this category if you have some ideas related to VocalPy that you’d like to talk about with the community.

How to start a new topic in the Q&A category

Please ask questions or start a discussion by creating a new topic.
To create a new topic, click on the “+ New Topic” button on the upper right of the screen:
Screen Shot 2022-03-20 at 4.11.49 PM

If your question is about an affiliated package like vak or crowsetta, please apply the appropriate tag to your topic, so we can better find and answer your questions.

Asking for help

If you are asking for help, please think carefully about how you formulate your questions, to make it easier for us to help you. We highly encourage users to read this guide from StackOverflow on how to ask a good question: https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask

For reporting bugs , please use GitHub Issues instead in the corresponding repository.
For example, to report a bug with vak go to https://github.com/vocalpy/vak/issues